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Turkiye/Syria Earthquake
Fundraising Update
With our collective effort and outpouring of generosity from our community we were able to raise $32,750 to help our brothers and sisters in need.
These funds were donated via Central APPNA to Turkish Red Crescent and will be used in relief and rescue. Additionally, funds are also being given to SAMS.
Turkiye Syria Earthquake
Elections 2022 - 2023
The two-year office term for Dr. Faisal Wasi as the President of APPNA Oklahoma chapter will end on December 31, 2023.
The two-year office terms for Dr. Adnan Altaf (General Secretary) and Dr. Rabeeya Nusrat (Treasurer) will end on December 31, 2022.
The Nomination and Election committee will announce the next election cycle dates in Fall 2022. Other members who wish to be considered for these positions must contact Dr. Asim Chohan Chair, Nomination Committee. Any member can be nominated to any office position by support of three active members of APPNA Oklahoma Chapter.
According to our Chapter bylaws, only active members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Chapter including the right to vote and hold office. Active members shall be either annual dues paying or Lifetime members.
Election 2022-2023
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