Be a Proud Sponsor!
Become a Diamond Sponsor
Valid until canceled
Become a Platinum Sponsor
Valid until canceled
Become a Sapphire Sponsor
Valid until canceled
Become a Gold Sponsor
Valid until canceled
Become a Silver Sponsor
Valid until canceled
Become a Bronze Sponsor
Valid until canceled
APPNA Oklahoma
Banquet Sponsorship Levels
DIAMOND Sponsorship
Sponsorship recognition and Diamond Sponsor Plaque awarded during the Banquet.
10 min talk by the company's representative during the banquet dinner.
Blast email with sponsor advertisement to membership.
Placement of Sponsor’s Banners outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
One exhibit booth at the exhibition hall outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
Marketing material Inserts in registration bags.
2 Premium Tickets to the Banquet & Dinner.
PLATINUM Sponsorship
Sponsorship recognition and Platinum Sponsor Plaque awarded during the Banquet.
2 min talk by the company's representative during the banquet dinner.
Placement of Sponsor’s Banners outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
One exhibit booth at the exhibition hall outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
Marketing material Inserts in registration bags.
SAPPHIRE Sponsorship
Placement of Sponsor’s Banners outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
One exhibit booth at the exhibition hall outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
Marketing material Inserts in registration bags.
GOLD Sponsorship
Placement of Sponsor’s Banners outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
One exhibit booth at the exhibition hall outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
SILVER Sponsorship
Placement of Sponsor’s Banners outside of the CME hall and Main banquet hall.
BRONZE Sponsorship
Website Advertisement for 90 days.